Directions to Camp Royaneh

Royaneh is located about 2.5 miles south of the town of Cazadero in Sonoma County on the Cazadero Hwy. Cazadero is a small town with a population of around 420 folks and was known as the terminus for the North Pacific Coast narrow gauge railway (1874-1931) and the giant Redwoods among other things.

Click here or on the Google map for driving directions and time to camp.

Click here for a PDF map of the direction to camp.

Approximate distances and travel times to Camp Royaneh:

Weather at Camp Royaneh

Royaneh is located approximately 18 miles from the Pacific Ocean and during the summer months the temperature has been known to reach into the high 90’s and low 100’s. Cool afternoon breezes keep the camp cool and the shade of the Redwoods is very refreshing.

Click Here or on the Weather Channel image for current weather conditions at camp.

Royaneh Geo Statistics:

  1. Country: United States
  2. State: California
  3. County: Sonoma
  4. City: Cazadero
  5. Zip Code: 95421
  6. Longitude at Flag Pole: 123.063280 W 7 .
  7. Latitude at Flag Pole: 38.519686 N
  8. Elevation at Dining Hall: 341 feet
  9. Elevation at Mountain Man: 532 feet
  10. Time zone: Pacific Time
  11. Topographical: Cazadero Quadrangle
  12. Total Acreage of Camp: Appr 375
  13. Average Precipitation: 36.17 inches


Sea Scouts




Shooting Sport


Scouting for Food

Order of the Arrow

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